Define your marketing objective right in the beginning in the Facebook Adverts Manager so that you will be offered a custom-fit format.

The most interesting options for you are probably advertisements that raise the engagement and the range of posts as well as adverts which target the increase of traffic for your website and therefore contain a link to your website.

There are many different advert formats on Facebook for each pursued marketing objective. Basically, every existing post format can also be supported by advertisements respectively is also available for advert format.


After having defined your goal, it is important that you identify your audience. Who is the audience for your ad?

Facebook gives you the following three possibilities to select and specify your audience:

  • Core Audiences: Manually select the people according to their age, location etc.
  • Custom Audiences: Spread advertisement to existing contact lists (i.e. existing clients, website visitors, app users etc.)
  • Lookalike Audiences: Spread advertisement to people who resemble your own clientele respectively your own fans

The following factors respectively criteria are available for manual targeting:

  • Location: Do I want to address people everywhere or just the people living in my region, who actually can become customers? As travel agency, how do I benefit from fans at the other end of the world?
  • Demographics: What age has my target group? What language are they speaking? Do I want to address only men or women or both?
  • Interests: What interests does my target group have? Should I focus on those who are interested in travels or certain types of holidays and activities? Do I want to exclude certain people?
  • Behaviour: Do I only want to address people who are noticeably researching travels and, therefore, are maybe planning a trip? Do I just want to reach people on their smartphone?
  • Networking: Do I want to address my fans only or also people, for example, whose friends are fans of my company? Or just the people who are actually my customers? Or people who do not know me yet?
  • Retargeting: Do I want to reach people who have visited my website and looked for information about a certain destination or travel with my ads?